Green Tree Angel Healing Incense Box

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✨ Connect to divine energy with the Green Tree Angel Healing Incense Box! ✨ Invocation of healing, harmony and serenity. Discover the power of Archangel Raphael and transform your spiritual journey. 🌟

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Discover the Power of Green Tree Angel Healing Incense Box

Green Tree Angel Healing Box Incense is a true invitation to a spiritual connection with the legion of angels led by the Archangel Raphael. This incense, carefully crafted by the renowned Green Tree brand, invokes healing energies, serenity and inner transformation. Perfect for those seeking to balance emotions, harmonize environments and promote spiritual evolution.

And remember: healing also begins within you.

Archangel Raphael and the Legion of Healing

According to Vedic scriptures and Western spiritual texts, angels are divine messengers who act as guides and protectors. Archangel Raphael, ruler of the fifth green ray of healing, is known for his loving presence and ability to assist in various areas of life. He is mentioned in the Book of Tobit, from the Judeo-Christian tradition, as a divine healer.

In the Vedic texts, we find parallels in the healing devas, luminous beings described in the Vedas and Puranas. Like angels, these devas help human beings overcome physical, emotional and spiritual challenges. In the Atharva Veda, healing energy is associated with the mantra “Om Tryambakam”, invoking Shiva, the destroyer of evils.

How to use Green Tree Angel Healing Incense Box

Choose the Intention: Before lighting the incense, define a clear purpose, such as healing, protection or harmonization.

Prepare the space: Use a metal or clay incense holder and make sure the place is clean and organized.

Light carefully: Use a candle or match to light the end of the stick.

Spiritual Connection: Breathe deeply, smell the aroma and mentally connect with the energy of the healing angels and devas.

Meditation and Relaxation: Allow incense to transform your moment into an experience of peace and reflection.

Vedic Astrology and the Power of the Fifth Green Ray

In Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury, ruler of the sign of Virgo, is closely linked to healing and divine communication. Mercury also symbolizes the intellect and the capacity for discernment, which are essential for the evolution of the Atma (soul).

By using the Green Tree Angel Healing Incense Box, you harmonize the energies related to Mercury, strengthening mental and spiritual clarity. This process favors overcoming negative patterns, promoting progress on the soul’s journey.

Benefits of using Green Tree Angel Healing Incense Box

Divine Connection: Strengthens the relationship with angels and spirit guides.

Healing Energy: Helps harmonize relationships, overcome emotional challenges and heal negative patterns.

Purifying the Environment: Removes dense energies and creates a space of serenity.

Sustainable product: Made with organic ingredients, free from toxins and respectful of the environment.

Types of Healing according to the Vedic Scriptures

These types of healing demonstrate the integral approach of the scriptures, which recognize the human being as a whole connected to nature and the divine.

1. Physical Healing

Description: Relates to the relief of illnesses and problems of the physical body.

Vedic example: In the Atharva Veda and Rig Veda, there are hymns dedicated to medicinal herbs and mantras to restore physical health. The mantra “Om Tryambakam” is one of the most powerful for requesting physical healing and protection.

Western example: In the Book of Tobit, the Archangel Raphael cures Tobit’s father of blindness and advises him on the use of natural remedies.

2. Mental Healing

Description: It involves letting go of negative thoughts, fears and worries.

Vedic example: The practice of meditation and the repetition of mantras, such as “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti,” are prescribed to calm the mind and bring clarity.

Western example: Prayer and trust in angels and saints are often recommended to overcome anxieties and mental disturbances.

3. Emotional Healing

Description: It is linked to the balance of emotions, such as overcoming trauma, grief and sorrow.

Vedic example: The Puranas talk about devotion (bhakti) as a powerful means of purifying emotions. The relationship with the divine helps transform feelings of sadness into inner peace.

Western example: Angels, especially Raphael, are invoked to heal broken hearts and bring comfort in times of loss.

4. Spiritual healing

Description: Refers to reconnection with the Atma (soul) and liberation from the cycle of suffering (samsara).

Vedic example: In the Upanishads, practices such as self-study (svadhyaya) and yoga are indicated to raise consciousness and heal spiritual disconnections.

Western example: Invoking the Holy Spirit or the angels helps to elevate the spirit and strengthen faith.

5. Energy Healing

Description: It relates to the purification and harmonization of the chakras and the energy field.

Vedic example: In the Shiva Purana, the use of incense, fire rituals (havan) and the mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” are mentioned to balance internal and external energies.

Western example: The use of incense and candles is traditionally associated with the cleansing of dense energies and the creation of a protected environment.

6. Relational Healing

Description: Heals conflicts in relationships, whether between partners, family or friends.

Vedic example: In the Mahabharata, Krishna’s advice teaches detachment and harmony as ways to resolve conflicts.

Western example: Archangel Raphael is often invoked to reconcile relationships and strengthen love and family ties.

7. Planetary Healing

Description: It involves harmony with nature and planetary balance.

Vedic example: The devas of nature, such as Varuna (water) and Agni (fire), are worshipped to heal the earth and environmental energies.

Western example: Praying for world peace and the intercession of angels are considered ways of promoting collective healing.

If you have any questions regarding this product on the Templo de Buda website, you can contact by Whatsapp, email, Instagram or Facebook.


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Additional information

Weight600 g
Dimensions22.5 × 12.5 × 8 cm



12 x 15 Gr


Green Tree


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