Rolled malachite

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Explore the spiritual properties of rolled malachite. Learn how this powerful crystal can help with emotional healing, energetic protection and personal growth. Discover the influence of malachite in Vedic astrology and learn how to use this sacred mineral for spiritual transformation.

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Rolled Malachite: A Spiritual Treasure of Healing and Transformation

Rolled malachite is a fascinating crystal that has won the hearts of many enthusiasts in the spiritual world. This green mineral, with its mesmerizing bands and patterns, is not only beautiful to the eye, but also carries a powerful energy of healing and transformation.

What is Rolled Malachite?

The Beauty and Energy of Rolled Malachite

Rolled malachite is known for its intense green color and unique patterns that make it an unmistakable crystal. This crystal is composed of copper carbonate and is widely found in countries such as Russia, the Congo and the United States. In addition to its physical beauty, malachite is highly prized for its spiritual and energetic properties.

Spiritual Properties of Rolled Malachite

Healing and Protection Energy

Rolled malachite is a profound healing crystal. It is known for its ability to absorb negative energies and pollutants, facilitating the removal of energy blockages and promoting harmony. It is often used to protect against negative energies and external dangers, acting as an energy shield.

Transformation and Personal Growth

This crystal is also a powerful catalyst for transformation and personal growth. Malachite encourages change, helping to overcome fears and insecurities and promoting inner renewal. It is ideal for those seeking to evolve spiritually and emotionally.

Benefits of Rolled Malachite

Emotional Balance

Rolled malachite is excellent for balancing emotions. It helps to release traumas and negative experiences from the past, promoting inner peace and mental clarity. For those suffering from anxiety or depression, malachite can be a powerful ally in the search for emotional stability.

Stimulating Creativity

In addition to its healing properties, malachite is known for stimulating creativity and artistic expression. Artists and creatives often use this crystal to unblock the creative flow and bring new ideas and inspiration.

How to Use Rolled Malachite

Meditation and Spiritual Practices
Incorporating Rolled Malachite into Meditation

One of the most effective ways to use rolled malachite is to incorporate it into meditation practices. Hold the crystal in your hand or place it on your heart chakra to amplify the healing and protective energy during meditation. Malachite helps to deepen the meditative state and connect with higher levels of consciousness.

Use in the Environment

Positive Energy at Home and at Work

Placing rolled malachite in the home or workplace can transform the environment, promoting an atmosphere of peace and protection. Place the crystal in areas where you spend the most time to maximize its energetic influence.

Jewelry and Personal Use

Rolled Malachite as an Amulet

Wearing rolled malachite in the form of jewelry, such as necklaces, bracelets or rings, keeps its healing and protective properties close to the body. This not only improves your aura, but also provides a continuous shield against negative energies.

Rolled Malachite and Indian Vedic Astrology

The Influence of Malachite on Vedic Astrology

In Vedic astrology, malachite is associated with the planets Venus and Jupiter, which represent love, harmony, prosperity and wisdom. Wearing malachite can balance the energies of these planets, promoting a sense of well-being and abundance. For those with weak Venus or Jupiter in their birth chart, malachite can be especially beneficial.

Malachite and the Chakras

Chakra Harmonization with Rolled Malachite

Malachite is particularly effective for the heart chakra (Anahata), where it promotes unconditional love, compassion and emotional healing. It can also be used to activate and balance the throat chakra (Vishuddha), facilitating clear and honest communication.

Rolled malachite is more than just a beautiful crystal; it is a powerful tool for healing, protection and spiritual growth. Incorporating malachite into your life can bring a sense of peace, emotional balance and creativity. Explore the wonders of this crystal and discover how it can transform your spiritual journey.

There are several pieces and all of them vary in color, dimension and texture because they are natural and unique crystals in their essence

If you want help cleaning your crystals, Selenite is the most appropriate crystal, but you can see how to treat your crystals here

If you have any questions regarding this product on the Templo de Buda website, you can contact by Whatsapp, email, Instagram or Facebook.


There are special prices for resale. You can see more here

There are special resale prices. You can see more here

Additional information

Weight35 g
Dimensions2 × 4 cm

Democratic Republic of the Congo


3-4 cm


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