Blue Owl Lenormand Deck in English

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This Mlle Lenormand (Mademoiselle Lenormand) deck is an edition released as a reproduction of the Lenormand deck. The Lenormand deck, so named in honor of Mademoiselle Lenormand’s fame, has been used ever since as an easy means of divination and interpretation of the future.

The instruction book describes each card and offers some methods of drawing. Mademoiselle Lenormand made reading letters as a means of divination a notorious and recognized art at the time.

The Red Ow l and Blue Owl decks are similar in every way except for one aspect: Blue Owl has playing cards (suits) associated with each card, and Red Owl has a quote.

Modern decks are based on the Blue and Red Owl decks, however, the most common format is the Blue Owl. Thus, most modern decks have the playing card deck and very few have a quote.

Also, the playing card association with each card is unchangeable. For example, the sickle is always the Jack of Diamonds, regardless of the author and illustrator of the deck.

About the Lenormand oracle

French fortune teller Marie Anne Lenormand (1768-1843), universally known as Mlle Lenormand, became famous due to her privileged connections with Empress Josephine de Beauharnais and her husband Napoleon Bonaparte. Her socializing with the high society of the time earned her the nickname “Sibyl of the salons”, inspiring the creation of a 52 figure guessing game published in 1828. Around 1840, this game was redesigned and reduced to 36 cards, giving rise to the “Petit Lenormand”, a divination system that is still among the most appreciated in the world today.

The Lenormand deck is often called the gypsy deck or gypsy oracle.

Deck: 36 cards

Dimensions 5.7x 8.9cm

Book: Instructions in English.

Publisher: AGM-Urania

Additional information

Weight 70 g
Dimensions 6 × 1.5 × 9.5 cm


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