Lotus Water and Violets

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🌸 Awaken your Spirituality with Lotus Water and Violets 🌸

In search of a deeper connection with the divine? 🙏 Murray & Lanman’s Lotus and Violet Water is the key to unlocking the doors of your spiritual journey. 💫 With your heavenly essence, you will be enveloped in an aura of purity, enlightenment and renewal.

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Awakening Spirituality with Lotus Water and Violets Murray & Lanman Authentic and Original

Lotus Flower and Violets: A Spiritual Elixir of Elevation

Murray & Lanman’s Lotus and Violet Water is more than just a product – it’s a spiritual journey encapsulated in a unique fragrance. With 250 ml of this divine essence, you are about to dive into an ocean of spiritual growth and energetic protection. Discover how this wonderful fusion of aromas can be your guide to enlightenment.

The Magic of the Lotus Flower and Violets

The lotus is more than just an ordinary flower; it is a powerful symbol in many spiritual cultures. Emerging from the muddy waters to bloom to its fullest, the lotus represents the individual’s spiritual journey. As the rain falls on its petals, it gently slips off, symbolizing the transcendence of earthly concerns.

This essence of purity, enlightenment and rebirth is a blessing in liquid form. Let yourself be enveloped by the energy of the lotus flower as you too seek to rise above life’s adversities.

The Violet: A Connection with the Divine

Like the lotus, the violet also has a profound meaning in the spiritual realm. Known to represent wisdom, fidelity and humility, the violet is a bridge to higher spirituality. Its soft, soothing essence calms not only the body, but also the mind and soul.

With its connection to the Crown Chakra, violet is an ally on the spiritual healing journey. Let its therapeutic properties guide you to a state of inner peace and spiritual renewal.

The Benefits of Lotus Water and Violets

By incorporating Lotus Water and Violets into your spiritual practice, you are opening doors to a world of possibilities. This divine essence can help cure melancholy, anxiety and even addiction to harmful substances. Its gentle fragrance calms the body and mind, allowing you to connect more deeply with yourself and the divine.

What’s more, the Water of Lotuses and Violets is a constant reminder of the power of spiritual transformation. Just as the lotus flower emerges immaculate from the murky waters, you too can transcend your circumstances and blossom into your true essence.

Murray & Lanman: A Journey of Centuries in Spirituality

The story behind Murray & Lanman goes back to 1808, when Robert L. Murray established the company in New York. Since then, the brand has been synonymous with products dedicated to energy protection and uplifting the spirit. With such a rich heritage, you can trust the quality and authenticity of Lotus Water and Violets.

An Invitation to Spiritual Transformation

If you’re looking for a way to take your spiritual practice to new heights, Murray & Lanman’s Lotus and Violet Water is your ideal companion. Allow this heavenly fusion of fragrances to guide you on your journey towards enlightenment and spiritual protection.

Discover the power of the lotus flower and the violet as spiritual archetypes, their spiritual properties and the benefits they can bring to your life. Let yourself be enveloped by the divine energy as you unblock the paths to the divine.

This product is Flammable due to containing alcohol

Please be aware that Lotus Water and Violets can be sensitive to the skin.
Skin test before use. If in doubt, do not use directly on the skin. It is not advisable to ingest in any way. Light-sensitive tissues may be affected if directly sprayed.

If you have any questions regarding this product on the Templo de Buda website, you can contact by Whatsapp, email, Instagram or Facebook.


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Additional information

Weight265 g
Dimensions4.5 × 4.5 × 22 cm

250 ml




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