Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy

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“Angel Therapy” is a book written by Doreen Virtue, which offers a spiritual approach to emotional and physical healing through communication with angels. The book, which is 150 pages long, is essential reading for those seeking a deeper understanding of the connection between the spiritual world and the physical world.

Throughout the book, Virtue explains how angels can help people in different aspects of life, including relationships, career, health, and finances. It provides step-by-step instructions for how to communicate with angels, and also includes inspiring stories of healing through connecting with these heavenly beings.

In addition, Virtue shares information on how to identify signs from angels and how to interpret them. She also offers meditations and affirmations that help raise one’s vibration and attract the help and guidance of the angels.

About the author

With a PhD in Psychology, Doreen Virtue has been a medium since childhood, and is now a fourth-generation metaphysical master and specialist in Angel Therapy. She is the author of more than 50 books on spiritual matters, including the bestsellers 365 Tips from Your Angels, Learning to Listen to Angels, The Kingdom of Angels, and An Angel Saved Me, and regularly gives courses and workshops on these subjects.
Doreen Virtue’s mediumistic abilities emerged during her childhood, when she could see and talk to her guardian angels. Today, Doreen is known worldwide for her connection to the angelic world, having dedicated her life to hearing and interpreting the angels’ messages, and sharing her knowledge with humanity.

Product Type: Book

Pages: 254

Dimensions: 23 x 15.3 x 1.9 cm

Language: Portuguese

Publisher: Nascente

Binding: Soft Cover

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Additional information

Weight400 g
Dimensions23 × 15.3 × 1.9 cm


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