Crude Sulfur

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Sulfur is an energizing crystal that helps remove negative thoughts, emotions, and barriers to progress. It can enhance creativity and inspire imagination. It helps those who are prone to angry outbursts to release their energy appropriately. It allows us to access our inner self and find our higher purpose, while encouraging a flexible attitude.

Sulfur is known to stimulate your solar plexus chakra. It also has the ability to balance it and absorb all the negative energies that have been stored in the other chakras.

Sulfur, is a chemical element derived from volcanic action, which carries a negative charge. It has been known since ancient times and was used in Indian alchemical practices. It was called shiliuhuang and used in Chinese medicine since the 6th century B.C., later as a component of gunpowder. In Greece and Egypt it was burned as a fumigant and mixed into skin balms and antiparasitic agents.

This stone acts on your will. It will help calm your stubbornness and obstinacy, so that you can truly see the reality of a situation.

If people around you describe you as someone who has a short fuse, sulfur can help you become a more patient and calm person in any kind of situation.

Since this stone carries a negative charge, it can also effectively get rid of any negativity in your body, aura or environment.

Traditionally it has been used to detoxify the body, extracting infections and relieving skin conditions, swelling and inflammation. Elemental sulfur is not toxic, but do not heat it or put it in water, as the products, sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid, can be harmful. Wash hands thoroughly after use and keep away from pets and children.

Sulfur crystals are usually yellow blocky dipyramids, formed by volcanic action as sublimates of volcanic gases. It can also be found in salt domes where it is formed by the bacterial decomposition of calcium sulfate. Sulfur is found in many places around the world, especially in Japan, Chile, the USA, and South Africa.

This stone will allow you to get in touch with your inner self and know your higher purpose. It will block harmful or old behaviors that are no longer beneficial to you.

The energies of sulfur can soften a stubborn attitude and help you become more flexible or versatile with the natural cycles of life.

Sulfur can also tune you into the best frequencies that will give you inner peace in the midst of all kinds of life experiences.

Spiritually, the qualities of sulfur are rich and abundant. It is useful for cleansing your aura of all negative energy and transforming it into positive energy.

Sulfur is also used to ward off negative or malicious forces that are drawn into your environment by sorcery or witchcraft.

Sulfur is an excellent stone for manifesting your wishes during a transitional phase in your life, such as moving to a different country or starting a new job.

Having this crystal near your aura will help attract new opportunities for abundance and success. The supportive energies of this crystal will also encourage you to embrace the new and unexpected.

You can also place this sulfurous rock in your home to let its energies consistently “wash over” you and your family as you go about your day.

It will form a protective barrier around your property, especially if you pair it with other crystals for protection.

You and those around you will get sick less often, and you may also suffer less from the strange bouts of clumsiness that often lead to injury!

Sulfur crystals are powerful transformation crystals that will increase your inner power and self-esteem. Use this crystal to calm your anger.

He will support you as you go through different transformations that will strengthen your beliefs, purify your thoughts, and correct your bad behaviors.

Approx. Weight: 6 to 10 Gr each unit

There are several pieces and all of them vary in color, size and texture because they are natural crystals and unique in their essence

In case of doubts regarding this product on the Templo de Buda site, you can contact Whatsapp, email or Facebook

You can see how to treat your stone here

Additional information

Weight10 g


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