Quartz crystal bowl

250.00650.00 IVA IncluĂ­do

✹ Awaken your Divine Essence with the Quartz Crystal Bowl! Let yourself be enveloped by celestial harmony and raise your spiritual vibration with our crystal bowls. 🌟✹ Feel the loving energy flow and transform your inner journey. 🌈✹

Adquira este produto e obtenha 250-650 Pontos - no valor de 12.50-32.50 ao criar conta em Templo de Buda
Adquira este produto e obtenha 250-650 Pontos - no valor de 12.50-32.50 ao criar conta em Templo de Buda


Discover the Transformative Power of the Quartz Crystal Bowl: A Spiritual Journey of Healing

Unlock the Secrets of the Quartz Crystal Bowl or Crystal Ship: Raising Consciousness and Aligning the Chakras

The quartz crystal bowls, known as “crystal ships”, are vehicles for a transcendental journey, where the celestial melody guides the mind into altered states of consciousness, tuning the brain waves and facilitating spiritual healing.

Sound as a Tool for Healing and Spiritual Transformation

Music and sound are more than just melodies; they are sacred healing tools that complement conventional and alternative health treatments. Each cell in our body is like a note in a divine symphony, and when out of tune, they cause imbalance. This is where quartz crystal glasses come into their own.

Awakening the Melody Within: The Science Behind the Quartz Crystal Bowl

Originating in ancient Egypt, quartz crystal bowls were used by healers who believe that the way to facilitate healing is to open the high heart that connects the hearts of all beings. The high heart is the only heart that connects all hearts to one, to the spirit, to God. It is located in the thymus or in the center of the immune system. Scientifically, the vibrations of the bowls resonate with the chakras, aligning them and promoting deep inner harmony.

The Essence of the Quartz Crystal: A Journey of Inner Healing

Quartz crystals, like crystal bowls, are more than just minerals; they are expressions of fossilized water which, when combined with energy, become healing tools. By interacting with our thoughts, crystals alter the frequencies of brain waves, inducing states of heightened awareness and promoting spiritual healing.

Sound creates a wave of resonance in the person where the Ego is liberated by internal wisdom (Consciousness). Even in people with no known pathologies, sound therapies and massages, evolve from matter (physical), to the molecular level, flowing into the person healing vibrations and patterns, thus there is a predisposition and open path to a plasma restructuring and a strong protection in the immune system.


What is quartz crystal?

Crystals are fossilized water, formed when water combines with an element under certain pressure, temperature and energy conditions. As a crystal, the element is able to express itself as a more unified and orderly being.

Silica sand, combined with water, becomes quartz crystal. Quartz crystals have many physical properties. They amplify, transform, store, focus and transfer energy. We see the results in microphones, radio and television equipment, clocks, laser tools and computers, to name a few.

Our bodies are also crystalline in their structure. When working with crystals,there may be profound effects on organs, tissues and cells, as well as on the circulatory, endocrine and metabolic systems.

Crystals can interact with our thoughts. Thoughts are forms of energy. When the energy of thought interacts with a crystal, these thoughts are changed to more harmonic forms, which alter the frequencies of brain waves, showing possible changes in consciousness. Thus, the power of positive intent or affirmation combined with the use of crystals provides remarkable healing results.

What are crystal glasses?

Crystal bowls are made of 99.992% pure quartz crushed and heated to about 4000 degrees in a centrifugal mold. They are available in clear or matte bowls in a variety of sizes, ranging from 6 to 45 cm in diameter. The bowls emit a powerful and pure resonance. The larger bowls are much more reverberating, with the longer tone, simply because of the size and quantity of crystal.

Awaken your Divine Connection with the Quartz Crystal Bowl

Quartz crystal bowls are more than just musical instruments; they are portals to the soul, inviting us to dive into the divine essence that resides within us. Let yourself be enveloped by the heavenly melody and allow the loving energy of the bowls to transform your life.

Experience the Magic of the Quartz Crystal Bowl and Elevate Your Spirituality!

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Additional information

Weight5000 g
Dimensions30 × 24 cm

20 cm (8 in), 25 cm (15 in), 30 cm, 35 cm (1.8 in), 40 cm (12 in), 45 cm (15 in)


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