Green Tree 7 Chakras Indian Pipe Incense Box

15.50 IVA Incluído

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Green Tree 7 Chakra Indian Cone Incense is wonderful for awakening the chakras and their energy that resides in them.

The word chakra originates from Sanskrit (चक्र) and means “center“, or “plexus“. The chakras are vortices of life energy that run from the top of the head to the base of the spine and are responsible for the flow of Prana in our body.

The learned seers say that the transcendental spiritual energy called Kundalini resides in the base chakra Molllaadhaara and permeates in the Swadhishtana, Manipooraka, Anahata, Sishuddha and Ajna chakras (centers of pranic energy distribution in the body). Goddess Parvati who sits in these chakras in the form of triangles energizes the chakras. The energy in the form of a triangle has at its center Bindu (point) in the form of Shiva. Therefore, there is an inseparable relationship between Shiva and Shakti.

How to Use Incense Cones

– First of all choose the appropriate incense with your intention (healing, energetic cleansing, protection, attunement with guides or angels, etc). Don’t light incense just to “smell” the house. There is a whole spiritual process behind an incense ritual that must be respected. Any and all energy you “invoke” with incense will be available for your request. There are also elementals of nature that will be made available to be burned in your favor. It is our duty to show respect for this process.

– Light the tip of the upper cone on a candle flame, match, or lighter.

– Unite mentally with the smell and feel the peace that each one keeps within himself. It’s your time to relax. Make it your ritual of relaxation and meditation.

All ingredients of this product are purely organic, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Free of children’s production.

Each box contains 12 packages of 12 cones.

If you have any questions regarding this product on Templo de Buda website, you can contact by Whatsapp, Email or Facebook.

Additional information

Weight460 g
Dimensions17 × 18.5 × 4.5 cm


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