Incense Inca Estoraque

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Storax (Styrax officinalis) is a A shrubby or tree-like plant of the Styracaceae family. It is native to the Mediterranean region and has oval-shaped alternate leaves, white flowers, and a rough trunk from which an aromatic resin is extracted. It is one of the oldest resins used by man.

The way this resin is removed is very curious, because it occurs spontaneously, without cutting, as if it were drops or drips.

The Estoraque is used for purification and to expel evil spirits from environments. In the Bible, the Storak was quoted as being part of the formula for the Pure Incense of the Tabernacle Altar, which Moses burned during the Priest’s prayer for the people at God’s request.

“34- And the LORD said unto Moses, Take aromatic spices, Estorak, and Onica, and Galbanum; these Aromatic spices, and pure frankincense of equal weight.
35- And thou shalt make incense of it, a perfume after the art of the perfumer, Temperate, pure, and holy.
36- And you shall trample it underfoot, and set it before the testimony,in the tent of meeting, where I will come to you; it shall be most holy to you.”


The Estoraques thus come to teach us that our prayers must have a SPONTANEOUSmeaning, watered with tears in gratitude to our inner GOD .

The Estoraque encourages communication with our Higher Self in a natural way, and not in distress. It stimulates memory and intelligence, causing a feeling of well-being, fullness, and affection.

The aroma of Estoraque is floral, intense, striking, and long-lasting.

This incense thus has Storax, Inca Plant Compound, Olibanum, liturgical charcoal, and rock salt.

Inca Estoraque incense is a unique special edition and is therapeutic. The Inca house struggled so that its therapeutic incenses also had the name of aromatherapy when lit, so it is more than an incense, it is a cure. Its therapeutic properties have been proven and validated by respected publications around the world, inca already brought the wisdom of the ancient Shamans to help people create lighter environments and improve their quality of life.

It is wonderful to use when you are more lazy and need to make a mini smoking and have no other products there hand. It is quite effective and can free from a lot of energy breakdown.

This Storax incense is carefully hand-made in Brazil in Campinas with carefully chosen plants, leaving a wonderful, refined fragrance. All Inca incense sticks are carefully made from entirely vegetable materials. Even its ash can be used in massages, oils, to fortify plants and even make soaps. It can be used in devotional rituals or to protect the third vision, such as the so-called Vibhuti in India.

Each box has 9 rods and each rod takes an average of 2 hours to burn in full

100% handmade, natural, therapeutic and Original

In case of doubts regarding this product on the Templo de Buda site, you can contact Whatsapp, email or Facebook

Additional information

Weight100 g
Dimensions5.5 × 3 × 15 cm



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