Drusa Green Ghost Quartz

65.35 IVA Incluído

Discover the power of Drusa Green Ghost Quartz. This rare crystal offers spiritual healing, energy cleansing and psychic protection. Connect with Mother Earth and balance your energies through meditation and healing therapies with Drusa Green Ghost Quartz.

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Drusa Green Ghost Quartz: A Powerful and Divine Crystal

The Rarity and Power of Green Ghost Drusa Quartz

Drusa Green Ghost Quartz, also known as Chlorite Ghost Quartz, is considered the rarest and perhaps the most powerful of the ghost quartz crystals. This crystal is not only incredibly beautiful, but also has a strong connection with Mother Earth, making it a powerful ally in healing and reconnecting with nature.

Spiritual Benefits of Green Ghost Drusa Quartz

Deep Connection with Mother Earth

Drusa Green Ghost Quartz is a crystal that acts directly on the Earth, base, solar plexus, heart and third eye chakras. This action promotes a strong feeling of anchoring and protection, creating a psychic shield that keeps us connected and protected. The green chlorite inside the quartz is especially effective at absorbing negative energy and toxins, helping to eliminate accumulations of negative energy in the body and the environment.

Energy Cleansing and Personal Healing

Meditating with the Green Ghost Drusa Quartz or holding it can help clear any environmental pollution or negative energy from our personal energy field and aura. This crystal is particularly effective in detoxification and regeneration, facilitating self-healing and recovery (at an energetic level). Its detoxifying properties are amplified by the quartz crystal, deeply cleansing the energy of our environment, energy body and chakras.

Spiritual Properties and Use of Green Ghost Drusa Quartz

Emotional Healing and Inner Balance

Drusa Green Ghost Quartz crystals are facilitators of spiritual growth and evolution. By meditating with this crystal on the heart chakra, we can remove emotional blockages, allowing us to recognize, heal, forgive and release. This process is crucial to achieving a sense of inner balance and peace. Placing Drusa Green Ghost Quartz in your home, office or sacred space will help to cleanse negativity and energetically purify the environment.

Connecting with Angels and Clairaudience

This crystal facilitates contact with angels and improves communication through clairaudience. This means that by working with Drusa Green Ghost Quartz, we can open up our spiritual communication channels and receive divine messages and guidance. This stone also helps relieve despair and gives a sense of protection, making it an invaluable support in times of emotional crisis.

Green Ghost Drusa Quartz and Indian Vedic Astrology

Astrological influences

In Indian Vedic astrology, Green Ghost Drusa Quartz is highly valued for its healing and protective properties. It is associated with planets such as Venus and Mercury, which govern love, communication and healing. This crystal can be used to balance planetary energies and improve our emotional and spiritual health. It also helps stabilize emotional disorders such as panic attacks and bipolar disorder, promoting a sense of peace and well-being.

How to Use Green Ghost Drusa Quartz

Meditation and Chakra Alignment

To make the most of the benefits of Drusa Green Ghost Quartz, it is recommended to hold it during meditation or place it directly on the chakras that need healing. Meditating with this crystal on the heart chakra can help clear emotional blockages and promote self-healing. In addition, positioning it in the environment, such as in the office or at home, will help keep the space energetically clean and protected.

Use in Healing Therapies

Holistic energy healing therapists often use Green Ghost Drusa Quartz to help their patients detoxify and balance their energies. This crystal is a powerful ally in treatments aimed at emotional and physical recovery, providing a healing energy that speeds up the recovery of sick people.

Drusa Green Ghost Quartz is a rare and powerful crystal with a deep connection to Mother Earth. Its healing, energetic cleansing and protective properties make it an indispensable ally for those seeking emotional and spiritual balance. Used in meditation, healing therapies and for purifying spaces, this crystal offers a sense of protection and well-being that is difficult to find in other crystals.

There are several pieces and they all vary in color, size and texture because they are natural crystals and unique in their essence

If you want help cleaning your crystals, Selenite is the most appropriate crystal, but you can see how to treat your crystals here

If you have any questions about this product on Templo de Buda, you can contact us by Whatsapp, email, Instagram or Facebook.


There are special prices for resale. You can see more here

Additional information

Weight550 g
Dimensions6 × 7 cm

300-500 Gr


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