Rolled Stilbite

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Stilbite’s name comes from the Greek word meaning “to shine”, and that is exactly what this crystal urges you to do.

Stilbine is a crystal that will let you shine. It will strip away your layers of protection and allow you to be yourself. Let him fly free and pursue your true happiness!

Stilbite is also a powerful manifestation stone. When you connect to the energy of this stone, you will be able to turn your dreams into reality.

You will be able to unlock the messages that your dreams contain, and you will be able to receive direction, clarity, and purpose from the energies of this crystal.

Stilbite will remove the obstacles that prevent you from being happy and satisfied.

The kind of support a Stilbite Crystal provides is almost parental in nature; it is both unconditionally loving and emotionally grounded. It gives a realistic view with smooth vibrations. If you have trouble visualizing your next step in life, or just need some guidance, meditation with Stilbite is a great way to gain a sense of direction. Helping to have more restful sleep and deeper intuition are some of the ways Stilbite benefits the mental space.

Stilbite is abundant in volcanic rocks and commonly found with Barite, Heulandite, Prehnite, and Apofilite. Stilbite is usually white or colorless, but can also be black, blue, green, red, orange, salmon, pink, brown, or yellow. It has a glassy to pearly luster, and can be transparent or translucent.

Stilbite will enhance your intuition and bring you a loving and supportive vibration.

It will also help you understand the guidance you receive from your spirit guides and guardian angels.

It is an excellent stone for remembering your past lives and clearing your thoughts to manifest.

It will accelerate your spiritual growth. Stilbite will bring you information about the soul and the spiritual realities you need.

This crystal will facilitate soul healing and increase your ability to receive psychic information and spiritual energies.

Stilbite also holds a very potent angelic energy. Its light and uplifting energies make it a joy to meditate on!

It will inspire creativity and art. It will increase your personal energies and make you reach higher states of consciousness.

Stilbite will give you the strength to discard unnecessary and old patterns, and fill your heart with joy!

It is a highly creative stone that will open your intuition and bring you loving and supportive energies in any endeavor, especially financial!

This crystal will calm your mind to balance your hemispheric brain functions, which makes it an excellent crystal to have when you feel overwhelmed by having too many tasks.

This stone will support anything related to matters of the heart, and will infuse them with energies of love, hope, joy, and acceptance.

If you haven’t found the love you were looking for, the energies of Stilbite will change your romantic landscape for the better and attract positive romantic opportunities!

It will make you realize all the things you want in a relationship and in a romantic partner. The energies of Stilbite will help you make them come true.

It will help you understand everything that happened to you from a different point of view.

Stilbita will help you understand that you don’t need to have a fairy-tale love story to be happy in love. Even an imperfect love story can create the most genuine love!

Stilbita will help you let go of a love or relationship when necessary. It will give you the strength and courage to do what must be done.

When you pair it with Azurite, it will give you the wisdom to do the right thing, even if it means a broken heart.

Stilbite will help you release your anger, bitterness, and pain in your relationship. You can transmute them into more uplifting and empowering emotions.

Stilbita will help you learn your love lessons with hope and optimism. You will be open to accepting the good and the bad because they are what got you to the point in life where you are!

Without the pain and the hurt, you will never discover how sweet it is to be happy and free in love!

Stilbite will also increase the loving feelings for your partner. You will be reminded of the many reasons why you are in love and in a relationship.

Stilbite will purify your thoughts and strengthen your intuition, especially if you combine it with Blue Topaz.

It will help you anticipate your partner’s needs and understand the emotions he is feeling even if you don’t say anything about him.

Stilbite and Blue Cyanite will make you secure in their love, their commitment to you, and their promises to you.

It will also help to understand and experience a kind of Universal Love.

It will remind you to trust in your journey of love and believe that it will lead you to the destination you desire!

Stilbite is all about inner peace and mental focus. Its energy is soothing, relaxing, and loving.

It will open the heart chakra to bring you vibrations of love and infuse you with inner peace, calm, and healing!

Stilbite will also clear the third eye chakra and the crown chakra to remain focused.

It will help you focus and organize your thoughts so that you can act on them and achieve your highest good.

Stilbite is a stone that will expand your consciousness to higher dimensions and unify all aspects of yourself!

Approximate weight between 17 grams and 22 grams

There are several pieces and all of them vary in color, size and texture because they are natural crystals and unique in their essence

In case of doubts regarding this product on the Templo de Buda site, you can contact Whatsapp, email or Facebook

You can see how to treat your stone here


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