
The Sacred Wood – Pau Santo! How to use it and what it is good for!

Palo Santo is a mystical tree that grows off the coast of South America and is related to Olibanum, Myrrh and Copal. It is part of the citrus family and has sweet notes of pine, mint and lemon. Palo Santo is the most common name and comes from Spanish to sacred wood. When it is burned, its smoke has a medicinal and therapeutic healing power. The wood of Palo Santo transmits a fire to his soul and takes his intentions to the Universe. While burning this sacred wood, feel that…

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Rudraksha – The Hindu seed!

What is Rudraksha seed? TheRudraksha is an all-natural seed, found within a fruit with a very vibrant blue, from the Elaeocarpus ganitrus tree, is an indigenous Himalayan seed throughout India and Nepal. Rudraksha also grows in other areas of Southeast Asia, where the soil is volcanic and is quite conducive to its growth. Rudraksha literally means “the tears of Shiva”. They say that while contemplating man’s suffering, Shiva – the great Mahadeva, the Supreme God, and the divine gift giver – unexpectedly began to weep tears of compassion. When his…

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